All new for 2024: Affordable Housing
This year we will be focusing on housing. New York City is in a severe housing crisis, as is most of the rest of the country, from what I have read, so I want to spend a year thinking about what kind of housing we build, where, why, and for whom. There is a long history of affordable housing programs in NYC and I want to spend the year looking at what kinds of housing we have imagined in the past to try to see what we should be working towards in the future.
If you’ve received a pamphlet in the past, and would like to continue to do so, please consider subscribing. I will spend the year walking, biking, and reading as usual, but also will host at least one walking event around the series, and I look forward to sharing these both with readers in the New York City area and with everyone farther afield. I recently moved and am very excited to begin to explore my new home and to share it with subscribers.
Subscribers will of course be kept up to date on all events. As always, a year’s subscription guarantees three mailings a year, in spring, summer, and fall. In addition, all subscribers will be able to add a friend to the mailing list, as a surprise special gift. I will need their mailing address. Subscribers will be contacted individually for their friend’s names.
If you’d like to subscribe, you can do so here.